I was born and raised in Rochester, NY, a city heavily involved in the development of photography technology. I've always had an eye for photography and challenge myself to find the best angle. In November 2016, I decided to take my passion for photography to the next level. I enjoy going out and photographing whatever catches my eye. At first, I focused on urban and landscape photography, but as I've broadened my horizons I have found that I truly just enjoy being behind the camera.
It fascinates me how far photography has come in the past 100 years. When we look back, we see only fragments of what life was like, whereas future generations will be able to look back at our era and truly appreciate day to day life. I am rarely found without my camera these days. Inspiration can strike at any time, be it a vibrant sunset or the joy of my children on the playground, and I am determined to preserve those images for the future.